Gimme a Brake (Light) Fundraiser

brake light fundraiser

Broken tail lights and brake lights can be dangerous to other drivers and could get you pulled over by the police. The Miami Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) want to help.

DSA chapters across the country have been hosting free brake light changing clinics for anyone with a broken light. Miami DSA wants to bring this amazing project to the Magic City.

Volunteers from the group will replace broken brake and tail lights for anyone who comes free of charge.

The purpose is to help reduce the opportunity for police stops that disproportionately affect vulnerable populations.

Click here to donate.

Your donations will go toward the cost of the bulbs and other materials and tools we will be using.  Any money left over after our first clinic will be used in future ones.

The DSA is the largest socialist organization in the United States with chapters across the country. The group works to make reforms today that will weaken the power of capitalism and increase the power of working people.

We need money to purchase brake lights and other materials. Please help us, today!

Click here to donate.