Introduction Members of International Solidarity Working Group propose Miami DSA join the Hands Off Venezuela South Florida Coalition to demand No Coup, No War, No Sanctions, and say no to any related actions promoting regime change in Venezuela. The Coalition upholds the democratic principle of a nation’s right of self-determination, to which Venezuela is entitled.… Read more »
Resolution in Support of BDS and in Opposition to Anti-BDS Efforts
WHEREAS, Zionist forces have carried out a continuous program of settler colonialism, apartheid, occupation, and ethnic cleansing against the indigenous Palestinian people. WHEREAS, Palestinian civil society has called for the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) of Israel until it complies with international law and universal principles of human rights. WHEREAS, there are ongoing legislative efforts… Read more »
Resolution on Democracy in Brazil
WHEREAS, the National Political Committee of the Democratic Socialists of America has condemned the sustained attack on Brazilian democracy by the government of Michel Temer and his allies in the Brazilian judiciary. WHEREAS, the political, civil, and social rights have been eroded during Temer’s presidency, including the political rights of jailed former President Luis Inácio Lula da… Read more »
People’s History: Vive La Commune!
On this day in 1871, the workers and the dispossessed of Paris, France took fate into their own hands and liberated themselves from wage slavery by establishing the Paris Commune. For 72 days they worked cooperatively to provide a glimpse of what society could look like if organized in a radically democratic way. The project… Read more »
People’s History: Abahlali baseMjondolo
On this day in 2005, roughly 750 residents of the Kennedy Road shack settlement in Durban, South Africa formed a road blockade to demand housing, electricity, & water as human rights. This action led to the formation of Abahlalibase Mjondolo. More here:
#PeoplesHistory: C.L.R. James, Black #Jacobin
#PeoplesHistory: C.L.R. James, Black #Jacobin
“The process of #revolution is essentially the process of people finding themselves.” #CLRJames
On 4 Jan. 1901, author, journalist, #socialist, & cricket aficionado, Cyril Lionel Robert James was born in …
Steve Biko & Black Consciousness
“The most potent weapon in the hands of the oppressor is the mind of the oppressed.” -Steve Biko On this day in history, South African socialist and anti-Apartheid activist Bantu Stephen Biko was born in 1946. During his life he was instrumental in the formation of the South African Students’ Association and became a leading figure… Read more »